Clinical Nutritionists and Naturopaths

Looking for clinical nutritionists and naturopaths in Brisbane? Perpetual Wellbeing have a team of qualified team of practitioners.

We require our practitioners to have achieved a minimum degree level qualification in Health Science with a speciality in either naturopathy or nutrition.

The degree in Health Science is equivalent to 4 years full time study and covers in‐depth study in areas of anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, biochemistry, medical science, research, herbal pharmacognosy and clinical herbal medicine, nutritional biochemistry and clinical nutrition/dietary medicine, clinical case taking, and communication and professional interaction.

All practitioners maintain a continuing professional development program and contribute, by analysis of research, to the ongoing improvement of our treatment protocols.

Our Practitioners are all registered with recognised associations, and most are providers for a lot of Australian Private Health Funds. Please call our reception for more information regarding health fund providers.

What We Can Help With

The team at Perpetual Wellbeing support the health and wellbeing of the whole family. We promote a more scientifically-based approach to natural healthcare, to help detect the root cause of health issues and treat patients for long-term good health.

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Graceville Clinic

Brisbane Clinic