Common Female Hormonal Disorders & How We Treat Them
It is estimated that as many as 90% of women of reproductive age experience a menstrual or hormonal disorder, or both, that affects them on a regular basis. In the article we’ll take a look at the signs and symptoms of hormonal issues and how to treat hormonal imbalance in females.
Signs And Symptoms Of Hormonal Imbalance
There are a number of relatively common conditions that we regularly treat patients for in our clinics. These include conditions such as:
- Painful periods (dysmenorrhoea)
- Heavy periods (menorrhagia)
- Endometriosis
- Uterine fibroids
- Premenstrual syndrome
- Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
- Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
How To Treat Hormonal Imbalance In Females
Many women seek natural solutions for the management of hormonal conditions, finding Natural Medicine extremely effective. Restoring balance, health and vitality to all body systems, including the hormonal and reproductive system, can be achieved through appropriate dietary and lifestyle changes, as well as through the use of specialised natural supplements.
If you suffer from one of these conditions, or perhaps you experience an irregular or painful cycle, when we look at how to treat hormonal imbalances there are also effective nutritional and herbal combinations available which one of our Practitioners at Perpetual Wellbeing can recommend depending upon your personal needs.
Hormone Imbalance Treatment: Lifestyle and Environmental Tips
Many female menstrual and reproductive disorders arise because of disturbances in hormonal production, activity or elimination. These disturbances can be caused by internal or external factors, such as environmental toxins, inflammation, stress or lack of exercise. Addressing these factors is an integral part of restoring hormonal balance. Below are some lifestyle modifications which we may recommend as part of a treatment plan for hormonal imbalances
- Avoid endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) found in plastics, pesticides and household cleaning products, as they have been linked with hormonal disruption in women, men and children.
- To maintain balance, hormones such as oestrogen must be excreted from your body via healthy detoxification. This process occurs primarily in the gut and liver. Impaired detoxification capacity may lead to conditions of excess hormonal activity.
- Sleep to de-stress. Poor sleep can significantly influence your reaction to stress during the day and contribute to inflammation in the body, both of which can aggravate hormonal symptoms. If you do not have quality, restorative sleep every night or feel like stress is getting the better of you, speak to your Practitioner about strategies to improve sleep and stress management, which also includes sleep hygiene and optimal adrenal function.
- Lose excess fat. Being overweight creates internal inflammation, which is associated with increased oestrogen activity and can aggravate hormonal conditions. Your practitioner can help you achieve your health goals, with personalised advice.
- Regular exercise promotes healthy hormone detoxification and also helps you cope better with stress. Establish a routine that includes regular cardio, resistance training and restorative activities, such as yoga or Tai chi. Just three 60 minute sessions of cardio each week can improve both physical and emotional symptoms of PMS
Oestrogen: The good, the bad and the dangerous
The hormone oestrogen, is essential for healthy female reproductive function in every stage of female life – from early childhood development to puberty, during every menstrual cycle, in pregnancy, and finally through the menopausal years. Oestrogen is produced mainly by the ovaries, and has a number of different actions within the body. Promoting beneficial oestrogen activity is essential for female reproductive health and strong bones, and has additional benefits for the brain, heart, skin, muscles, sleep and metabolism. However, excess oestrogen activity has less desirable effects, including an increased risk of endometriosis, uterine fibroids and breast cancer. Optimal reproductive system health requires that a woman’s body to be in a state of hormonal harmony, where oestrogen and progesterone, are in balance. Depending upon each woman’s situation, when we look at how to treat hormonal imbalance we also consider herbs and nutritionals that can be combined to correct imbalance and restore healthy hormone activity, keeping menstrual cycles regular and symptom-free.
Healthy eating for healthy hormones
What you do and don’t eat can have a significant impact on your hormones and overall health. When we look at how to treat hormonal imbalance we cannot overlook diet and nutrition. An ideal diet provides optimal amounts of macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates and fats) and micronutrients to promote wellbeing.
Choose organic fruits, vegetables and meats where possible, and make the effort to avoid overly processed and refined foods. Drink at least 1 to 2 litres of water each day, and either reduce or avoid caffeine and alcohol consumption.
Food and beverages to support healthy hormones
Herbs: Ginger, rosemary, turmeric, coriander, dill, fennel, parsley.
Nuts: Pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, almonds, cashews, Brazil nuts.
Grains: Soy, chickpeas, quinoa, millet, bulgur, buckwheat, brown rice.
Fruits: Blueberries, strawberries, oranges, grapes, avocado, banana, figs, blackberries.
Vegetables: Broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, kale, spinach, cabbage, mushrooms, celery, onion, alfalfa sprouts.
Beverages: Water, green tea, dandelion tea, chamomile tea, spearmint tea
If you are struggling with any of the signs or symptoms described above, we can help you. A number of the practitioners at Perpetual Wellbeing have a specialised interest in how to treat female hormonal issues and have successfully treated many patients. Book an appointment now and let us help you start feeling better.
We offer Naturopathy and Nutritional Medicine consultations
at 2 convenient locations, Brisbane CBD and Graceville